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Introduction to Philosophy

Profound principles for a deeper experience of life

The ideas held by individuals have a profound influence on their lives and on the communities and nations in which they live, for better or for worse. True ideas based on natural law provide a sure foundation for a happy, useful and fulfilling life. 


'Our general instinct to seek and learn will set us enquiring into the nature of the instrument with which we search.'



The school offers lessons, in a way that "theory" και "practice" become one in Memory of the Truth or God.This philosophy is for everyone regardless of education, occupation, age, culture or religion. It explores the meaning of wisdom, truth and consciousness, the real nature of the human being and what inhibits human development. Its study and practice naturally involve all three levels of human experience - physical, mental and emotional - and bring a new perspective to life: more open, natural, loving and unified. Greater efficiency in thought and action arises from greater clarity of mind coupled with the growing realisation that the stresses of modern life can be overcome through personal effort and a change in outlook.

In the first session of the Introductory philosophy course a simple practice is given to enable students to come to the present moment and begin to connect with a deeper peace within themselves and also observe more clearly the state of their own mind and emotions. 

The School of Practical Philosophy is a non-profit Trust and was established in 1970 in Nicosia and from 1976 in Limassol and, lately, in Larnaca. The courses are conducted in Greek. An effort is made to accommodate English-speaking persons. The best arrangement is, however, if a sufficient number of such people is found so that a Group may be formed, which, in fact, happens from time to time. The same applies to Turkish Cypriots.









The Truth is always One and not divided. When the ego arises, it always divides and sets limits and so, people find themselves divided and in opposition to each other –this leading to confrontations and warlike activities. But in Truth there is no duality; it is only imagined. In Unity there are no enemies, there is the One Truth and no second. So, in a divided world, there is special need for the Realisation of Unity at all levels. This is the particular work of the School. Blessings and Good Wishes with you.

Message by Mr Leon MacLaren to the School of Cyprus (December 17, 1992)

Read some excerpts from the book of Brian Hodgkinson, In Search of Truth about the School of Practical Philosophy Click Here

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