Rafael, The school of Athens
"Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder"
Plato, Theaetetus 155
Welcome to the website of the School of Practical Philosophy, a registered non-profit educational institution. The School was established in 1970 and operates since then in Nicosia and from 1979 in Limassol and 2007 in Larnaca.
The School offers a series of lectures on practical philosophy. This is not conditional on previous knowledge, only on the desire to listen and participate.The School has been offering these courses in the study of practical philosophy for 40 years and has given the opportunity to many people to participate, to the depth they chose, to study philosophy, based on the principles that whatever we learn is for the benefit of all and that the teacher must never stop being a pupil.Most have found that they have become much happier, much richer spiritually, much more honest and that they contribute to the wider community in a principled manner.
Apart from the main lessons in philosophy the School also offers, from time to time, lessons for members who are parents and Good Company for their children. In addition lessons are also given on many other subjects such as Dialectic, Law, Economics with Justice (for a fair economic system that fits with man’s nature), Philosophy in Business etc.
Meetings take place once a week. Each meeting starts at 7:10 pm. and last for about 90 minutes, including a break. At the end of each session handout notes are given wich include the main points of the lecture and passages which were used together suggestions for practical application during the week.